•  guiacalles@gmail.com

  •  +51 995 090 370

Tours / Marvelous hummingbirds tour, Northern Peru

About hummingbirds

Peru is an Andean country. The Andes mountains has created many climates and habitats. This has allowed many species in Peru to be unique and grow isolated. For example, we can find many species of metaltail and Thornbill. Peru is a country that has 127 hummingbirds, of which, 15 are endemic and 16 are of restricted distribution.


Our trips are designed to take advantage of the best season, and find the desired birds with their best plumage and with our experience, obtain the best photographs.
This hummingbird photography tour is in Northern Peru. It's probably the route where you'll find the greatest variety of hummingbirds in just a few days.
We'll start in Tarapoto, a tropical city, and make our way to the dry forest of the coast in Chiclayo. The route can vary depending on your available time and the hummingbirds you want to photograph.
We'll encounter the beautiful Marvelous Spatuletail (E = Endemic), Royal sunangel, Rufous-crested coquette, Coppery Metaltail (E), Wire-crested Thorntail, Black-bellied Thorntail, Peruvian Racket-tail, Violet-throated Starfrontlet, a possible subspecies of the Greenish Puffleg, Emerald-bellied Puffleg, Gray-bellied Comet (CR = Critically Endangered), Tumbes Hummingbird, Spot-throated Hummingbird (E), Peruvian Sheartail, Little Woodstar, Purple-collared Woodstar, Short-tailed Woodstar, Purple-backed Sunbeam (CR), Ecuadorian Piedtail, Koepcke's Hermit (E), White-bellied Hummingbird, Amazilia Hummingbird, Rainbow Starfrontlet, Purple-throated Sunangel, Gould's Jewelfront and many more beautiful jewels.
Other hard to see and also the wonderful birds that we will find on our tour. We will also take advantage of other photographic opportunities that will arise, such as Andean landscapes, orchids or also colorful insects and reptiles.
We'll photograph as many hummingbirds as possible, but we'll focus on what you won't be able to photograph elsewhere.

  + More species


In this photographic expedition, we will explore diverse habitats. From the warm neotropical lowland rainforest to the cool elfin forest and cloud stunted forest. If we continue for more than 8 days, we will travel through the grassland or puna habitats, desert scrub and reach the equatorial dry forest. We will also venture into private reserves, protected by local residents, which offer excellent photography facilities. Among them is our Fundo Alto Nieva Reserve.


This tour has a variable start date and is recommended from December to May. We will listen to your availability to coordinate an appropriate date to make the trip. Minimum group size: two photographers.
We have carefully chosen the route and the right time for photography and we will take you to where the birds are.
We will set up perches and use flowers for in-flight photos.

  + More photographers

It includes

  • Tour guide and local guides in the Reserves.
  • Private overland transport.
  • Main meals.
  • Drinking water.
  • Entrance fees, and guide fees.
  • All accommodation.

Not included

  • Drinks.
  • Travel insurance.
  • Laundry.


Carlos Calle

He is a conservationist and nature and bird photographer in Peru. He is passionate about birds and especially hummingbirds.
Owner partner of the Fundo Alto Nieva Reserve, in the Bosque del Alto Mayo, in Northern Peru.
He has photographed more than 1,100 birds in Peru, and knows each one very well.
He has published the books: "Hummingbirds of Peru" and "Lima, vida silvestre y rutas espectaculares".



Perubirds photo tour / Fundo Alto Nieva
Km 374 + 200, Carretera Fernando Belaunde, entre Amazonas y San Martín
Teléfono / wasap : (+51) 995 090 370
E-mail : guiacalles@gmail.com
